What Makes a Trained Leader?
- Cub Scout leaders are considered trained when they have completed This Is Scouting and the Cub Scout Leader Specific training for their position.
- Scoutmasters and assistant Scoutmasters are considered trained when they have completed This Is Scouting, Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmaster Leader Specific Training, and Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills.
- Troop committee members are considered trained when they have completed This Is Scouting and the Troop Committee Challenge as their Leader Specific training.
- Varsity Scout leaders and assistants are considered trained when they have completed This Is Scouting, Varsity Scout Leader Specific Training (available April 2002), and Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills.
- Venturing crew Advisors, assistant Advisors, and crew committee members are considered trained when they have completed This Is Scouting and Venturing Leader Specific Training.
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