Troop 9460 Scout awarded National Certificate of Merit

For his quick thinking and actions to pull a struggling swimmer to safety, Star Scout Adam Kuhlman of Troop 460 was presented with the National Certificate of Merit on April 1.

Certificate of meritIt was a highlight of the troop’s Court of Honor, with Ed Plante, Eagle River Advancement Chair making the presentation.

The rescue occurred in July of 2012 at a hotel in Madison, Wisconsin. An 11 year-old non-swimmer had jumped into the deep end of the pool and his struggles were noticed by Adam’s grandfather, who called to Adam to assist. Although only 11 at the time, Adam had recently completed his Swimming Merit Badge and knew what to do. Using his Scouting training and experience, Adam swam behind the swimmer, grabbed him by the armpits and pushed/swam him to the safety of ladder.

The National Certificate of Merit is awarded “to a youth member or adult leader who has performed a significant act of service that is deserving of special national recognition.” Only 53 were presented nationwide in 2012.

Congratulations Adam!

Photo Caption: Adam, with his father Jeff  Kuhlman and SPL Mike Medini.

Boy Scout honored with National BSA Meritorious Action Award

Boy Scout Adam Kuhlman, 12, was prepared that day in July when he helped a struggling non-swimmer out of the deep end of an indoor hotel pool in Madison, Wisconsin.  Adam was able to calmly assess the situation and apply many of the skills he had learned in Scouting. 

After hearing his grandfather, Art Peterson, yell “Adam, get him!” from outside the pool, Adam immediately looked around the pool for signs of trouble.  He noticed a boy he had been playing with in the shallower end of the pool a few minutes ago was now nearby in the deeper end of the pool experiencing difficulty staying afloat.  He quickly swam over to the boy from behind and grasped the boy under his arm pits.  Utilizing his legs to kick in the water, he was able to propel the boy and himself over to a nearby pool ladder.  The boy exited the pool on his own accord, unharmed, but a little shaken up by the incident.  Adam and his grandfather later learned that the boy, 11, had jumped into the deep end of the hotel pool forgetting that he did not know how to swim.

A National Certificate of Merit was presented to Adam on April 1 at the Immaculate Conception Church, New Richmond, Wisconsin.  Ed Plant (BSA Eagle River District Advancement Chair) convened a National Court of Honor and was assisted by Steve Wojan (District Chair), Mike Sietsema (District Commissioner) and Kent York (Northern Star Council Director of Marketing/Communications).  A recognition letter from Wisconsin State Senator Sheila Harsdorf and Wisconsin State Representative John Murtha was also presented to Adam.  Fellow Scouts, leaders, and family were in attendance. 

Adam is a Life Scout with Boy Scout Troop 460, chartered to Kiwanis Club, New Richmond, Wisconsin.

The Boy Scouts of America launched its medals program in 1911 to recognize Scouts and commissioned leaders who had saved a life.  Today, The National Council of the Boy Scouts of America has four awards for lifesaving and meritorious action for outstanding and unusual acts that demonstrate unusual heroism, skill, or bravery the reflect Scouting ideals.

Certificates of Merit may be awarded to a youth member or adult leader performs a significant act of service that is deserving of special national recognition.  The Boys Scouts of America awarded 53 certificates in 2012 and 1,698 certificates since 1989.

All of these awards are presented in the name of the Boy Scouts of America.  In order for a Scout or Scouter to be honored with such an award, application must be made and approved by the BSA’s National Court of Honor.

 “This is a very prestigious award” said Scoutmaster and father Jeff Kuhlman. “I am very proud that my son was able to act on the Scout motto ‘Be Prepared’.  I believe Adam’s Scouting experiences prevented something more serious from happening that day.”  After first hearing that he had received the National Award, Adam mentioned to his father that he wished swimming lessons for the boy he helped came with the award.